The retreat will include danse, dynamic meditation and sitting meditation. La retraite inclus des pratiques de Yoga et de la meditation dynamique et assise.

  • Learn about the principles of dynamic meditation and how it can facilitate a deeper connection to your inner self. Apprenez les principes de la méditation dynamique et comment elle peut faciliter une connexion plus profonde avec votre moi intérieur.

  • Develop skills to enhance mindfulness and awareness during meditation practices, fostering a deeper connection to your Shakti. Développez une pratique quotidienne personnaliséepour incorporer l'énergie Shakti et la méditation dynamique dans votre vie quotidienne.

  • With Herve Blondon (Swami Premananda), certified Dynamic meditation facilitator and yoga instructor E-RYT500 - Avec Herve Blondon E-RYT500

  • Book your room at the hotel website - Réservez votre chambre a l'hôtel (voir plus bas)

  • 3 days workshop 180euros (stay at the hotel not included) - 3 jours d'atelier 180 euros payables sur place

Book your stay at the hotel

Réservez votre séjour a l'hôtel

Click here to book your stay at Korijnak hotel (Veli IZ)

Hervé Blondon

Herve Blondon is a yoga teacher and therapist with a rich background in art and caregiving, who has published several books and appeared in various media. Herve Blondon has appeared on television and radio, including interviews on Canal Vox and Cité Rock Détente in Montreal (Canada), discussing his books and topics related to yoga and personal growth. He has a classical education in art, worked as a professional illustrator and caregiver, and began his journey into yoga in 2000. He has been leading consultations and group therapy since 2004 and opened the Satyam Hatha Yoga school to help people with trauma and depression. Herve Blondon has undergone extensive yoga and meditation training, including teacher training in the Satyananda and Iyengar traditions, and has completed numerous specialized courses in therapeutic yoga. He is a certified Yoga teacher and received the title of Yogacharya.